Zoukisoara is going to zouk events
What is Zouk ?

Dance of Love
Brazilian Zouk has captured the hearts of many people around the world. Zouk is a sensual partner dance with origins in Lambada and Samba, while the music has French Caribbean roots.

Great Connection
In Zouk, the body connection demands that you follow your partner in whatever direction. One of the main rules for a good connection is to keep contact, to be able to make a great dance.

Special Flow
Zouk is a dance of love, of passion, and of expression. The flowing sensuality and grace of Zouk with large amount of contact improvisation is distinctly different from other dances.

Characteristic Movements
Zouk is known best for flowing motion, body waves and head movements. It provides an ideal mixture of movement, athleticism, creativity, and improvisation in dance.

Nice Music
Zouk can be danced to a variety of music styles, including Hip Hop, R&B, Lounge, Kizomba, etc. So, there are several Zouk styles, differentiated by the moves, ways of leading and general dynamic.

Awesome People
The people who dance Zouk are open in so many ways. They open their passion and their hearts for just known persons some time ago. Dancing zouk can bring you friends around the world.

Modern Latino – curs de dans pentru incepatori
May 16, 2019
Relaxare si socializare in pasi de dans! Un dans in care tu iti construiesti dansul, pe cea mai variata si mai noua muzica! Dupa o zi plina, dansul este cel mai sanatos si mai bun ...Read More

Zouk Camp 2018. Christmas Edition in Timisoara
December 4, 2018
Click here for english version Bine ai venit! Stiam ca vei citi mesajul anterior si ca vei ajunge aici pentru a afla mai multe despre acest ZoukCamp 🙂 Sa iti spunem despr...Read More

Curs de dans pentru incepatori
October 17, 2018
Relaxare si socializare in pasi de dans! Un dans in care tu iti construiesti dansul, pe cea mai variata si mai noua muzica! Dupa o zi plina, dansul este cel mai sanatos si mai bun ...Read More

Andreas Stuhlmüller
Zouk Teacher and Event organizer
I love to dance. For me, the dance is another world where I can escape and express freely. My life spins around dance. I organize my vacations where the Zouk festivals are held.
In “real life” I work as an engineer for a big corporation. I’ve been dancing almost all dance styles since 2007, starting with ballroom dances, Disco Fox, a little bit of Salsa, Bachata, Argentinian Tango, West Coast Swing, Folk dances and now, Zouk.
My first contact with Zouk was in 2013, at the first edition of WestZoukTime, in Brno. I was there to learn West Coast Swing, and I came back loving Zouk. In 2015 we participated at the International Zouk Flashmob. After the flashmob, we asked ourselves “now what?”, so we started some Zouk classes with a few passionate people and went together to more zouk events.Step by step, ZOUKisoara appeared 🙂
I wish to fulfill the role which I have taken as the promoter of Zouk in Timisoara and Romania, to show this dance to as many people as possible. For me, Zouk is more than a dance. It is a lifestyle!

Monica Stuhlmuller
Zouk Teacher and DJ
“I’m born to Zouk” I dance since I’ve been in my mother’s belly: The day I was born, my mother danced to Kaoma Lambada song (Zouk is the successor of Lambada), at the time the song was over she went to the hospital were I was born.
I dance since I can remember, I’ve always loved music and dance, at first I did it alone in my room without anyone seeing me. Seriously I started dancing in 2008 when I went to ballroom and Latin dances, then I loved Argentine tango and from 2011 I was very attracted to West Coast Swing and Zouk, chasing many films with these just on youtube, because they were not known in Romania. I started Zouk in 2014 at WestZoukTime festival in Brno, where I realized that this dance is not only pleasant to look at, but this style offers a very enjoyable feeling while you dance it. I would say that of all dance-styles that we’ve tried so far, zouk-style is the most complex and is my most loved dance.
While dancing I’m another person, in those four minutes of a song I can be anyone, I’m trying to outline a story with my partner based on the song we dance, I could say dance gives me freedom.
Dancing changed my life, before going to dances I was very shy and emotional, I fear to speak even when there were only two or three people, now is not only that we managed to overcome the fear of speaking, but I got to teach, and I love it.

Ioana Catalina Echim
Multimedia Specialist and DJ
Learning to dance was one of the best decisions I could ever make.
In october 2010 I saw an advertising with Salsa courses that were going to be held very close to my place. I went with my best friend to see what it was all about and since then my life has changed forever.
During the next years I learned or tried many styles of dances, from Salsa, Bachata, ChaCha, Kizomba to Blues, Disco Fox, Waltz, Tango, West Coast Swing. In 2012 I discovered Zouk on Youtube and in February 2013 I attended the first Zouk festival – WestZoukTime in Brno.
Zouk is the perfect dance for me. The more I dance Zouk the more I fall in love with it. The good music, the flow, the movements, the connection, the freedom, the expresivity and sensuality.. all these make Zouk one of the best experiences one could ever live and feel.
Since 2013 I’ve been to many Zouk festivals, workshops and congresses and will continue to do so for many many years to come. 🙂 Probably all my life.

Roxana Damaschin
Website Master
I loved to dance since I was little. Me, my sister and cousin were preparing “shows” to our parents and our neighbors for Christmas / New Year holidays. At high school I also was on stage for various events. When I came in Romania, I started to learn different types of dances: Disco Fox, Blues, Waltz, Tango, Salsa, ChaCha and Bachata. Then I went for studies in Finland for a year where I did hip-hop.
First Zouk steps I made in 2015 and I fell in love with it. It was totally different from what I have seen before. For me Zouk has a unique charm that makes me float on waves of music and feel the true passion of the dance. This ‘Dance of Love’ which has great connection, characteristic movements, special flow, nice music and really awesome people changed my life. So, as Vivian Greene said: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s learning to Dance in the rain”.
I work as a programmer and I meet many passionate programmers of zouk. So, let’s code the future, travel the world and dance zouk!

Laura Belmustata
Junior Zouk Teacher
I always liked to dance. It is a very pleasant way to relax, to get away from everything else. When I started ballroom dancing courses, four years ago, I discovered that dancing can be much more than I knew before. It has opened a new world with wonderful people who shared the joy of dance. I discovered Zouk a little later, when I attended the 2015 Flashmob. It was a new dance style that opened new horizons for me. I discovered that I can not compare this dance with any other dance. Is an experience that cannot be explained unless you live it. It’s a great thing to find a place where no matter who you are or what color your skin is, where no prejudices, all are there to enjoy and share the same passion. It is not just the pleasure of dancing is much more. It is connection, feelings, leading, new friends, a great community like a family. This dance has no boundaries, from which you always learn something new. And this is just the beginning.

Remus Maghiar
Junior Zouk Teacher and DJ
I started attending ballroom dancing at the urging of my girlfriend four years ago. Soon I discovered the pleasure of dancing and the diversity of those attending courses helped me to find people with common interests, people that I would not have if I did not go to dances. Zouk was love at first sight, this happened during the 2015 Flashmob. New dance, new friends, a new philosophy of dance and life. Zouk has changed my perception and influenced my style of dance and how I dance other type of dances. Zouk offers detachment, connection, interpretability and emotion. This dance is unlike any other. Zouk is a lifestyle, print it in everything you do. Zouk unites people, there is a strong connection between community of zouk. I cannot wait to see what positive changes, Zouk will bring in my life from now on.

Modern Latino – curs de dans pentru incepatori

Freddy & Andressa, 2nd Brazilian Zouk Festival in Timisoara

Jakub & Jana Zouk workshops, 4th event in Timisoara

William & Paloma, 1st Brazilian Zouk Festival in Timisoara

Ludek & Pavla Zouk workshops, 3rd event in Timisoara

Martin & Nicol Zouk workshops, 2nd event in Timisoara

Guido & Mariana Zouk workshops, 1st event in Timisoara
Pestalozzi 20
Email: zoukisoara@gmail.com
Tel: (004) 0763 535 232
Andreas Stuhlmuller
Facebook: Monica Stuhlmuller, Ioana Catalina E.
Map: check the link below.